
Värsta kärleksförklaringen

JAg gick in på min gamla blogg nu för att kolla gästboken, se om det var ngt nytt. Och oj, det var det minsann. Läs nedanför; hahahaha! (jag känner alltså inte personen....)

My sweet beautiful angel. Sent to me from above. I am so grateful to have found you, and I give you all my love. You must have come from heaven, because you have pretty little angel eyes. When you gaze at me with them, my heart begins to fly. Your sweet angelic voice, continuously rings in my ears. With you by my side, there is nothing I fear. Whenever we are together, You shine with a heavenly glow. Your beautiful angel face, raises me up from feeling low. Yes, heaven is missing an angel, because you are here with me. Youre my sweet, beautiful angel, and Ill love you for eternity! Matthew from UK
Skrivet av Matthew den 14 Juni 2007

Your love surrounds me like the air that I breathe. Your kiss touches me as gentle as a breeze. Your touch is as tender as that of a child. Your hug is warm, meek, and mild. Each day we grow older and its plain to see, The love that you give me is all that I need. Matthew from UK
Skrivet av Matthew den 14 Juni 2007

Thank you Matthew, very sweet.

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